domaine tetta マスカット・ベーリーA2021
domaine tetta Muscat Bailey A 2021
岡山県にあるドメーヌのワインです。正式な社名が英語の小文字だけを使った「domaine tetta」だそうです。「domaine」とは自家栽培醸造家のことで,ぶどう畑をもってとワイン醸造を行う施設を持っている所です。「tetta」は地名で岡山県新見市にある町「哲多」のことです。このマスカット・ベーリーAは日本で生まれた品種で,生食でもワイン用としても利用できます。今日,昼休みに散歩をしていたら畑のマスカット・ベーリーAも非常に色づきがよくなっていました。なので,今日のワインはマスカット・ベーリーAに決めました。
This is wine from a domaine in Okayama Prefecture. The official company name is “Domain Tetta,” which uses only lowercase English letters. A “domaine” is a homegrown winemaker who owns a vineyard and winemaking facilities. “tetta” is a place name and refers to the town “Tetta” in Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture. Muscat Bailey A is a variety that was born in Japan and can be eaten raw or used for wine. Today, when I was taking a walk during my lunch break, I noticed that the Muscat Bailey A in the field had also become very colorful. So, I decided on Muscat Bailey A for today’s wine.
This wine is very delicious with fresh berry aromas and just the right amount of acidity. I won’t buy this vintage anymore because it’s a little expensive, but I’ll buy it again when the 2022 one is released.
Even though the wine is good, the food is poor. White mold cheese called “Koban” is placed on top of French bread. That’s all.
Today’s work at the winery was to destem the Pinot Noir. The stems that cannot be destemmed with a destemming machine are removed manually. I’m looking forward to this wine, as I’m sure it will be a clear wine with no unpleasant flavors. Tomorrow I will press and extract the juice from Gewurztraminer. I’ve already prepared the balloon press. There is also the possibility of working in the fields.