bobal de Sanjuan2019
This wine is made 100% from Spanish Beauval grapes. This is a delicious wine with rich fruit flavors and a well-balanced bitterness and acidity.
It’s been raining lightly since this morning. During the first half of the morning, we harvested Sauvignon Blanc while wearing raincoats. Since the temperature was low, my raincoat served as a windbreaker, and it was a pleasant start.
After 10 a.m., the rain stopped, so I took off my coat and worked. The dogs from the kennel were also allowed into the field to control pests. Lately, these dogs have been eating only grapes, which is a problem. Eating grapes can cause kidney failure and even death, so whenever I catch a dog eating grapes, I scold them and discipline them, but it doesn’t seem to work. I pray that the harvest season will end soon and the dogs’ role will be completed.
I’ve already had a sip of wine, and the buckwheat is ready, so I’m going to eat it.
Today’s rice bran pickles are eggplants again.
I bought some cut vegetables for salad on impulse because they were on sale for half the price. I made this into a tuna salad.
Lawson’s frozen chicken meatballs.
Kimchi pizza toast.
I had ice cream for dessert, but I don’t have a photo of it.
The winery leader gave me two books to read. If I read these books, I think I will spend less time drinking wine.