メロー2022 ブルーラベル
mellow 2022 blue label
Oh, it’s hot! I’m working in a vinyl house again today. People seem to be overwhelmed by the heat outside, but it’s cool outside after I’m inside a vinyl house. Even if I drink a lot of water, I still lose weight. I drank 4 liters of water again today, but my body is still dry.
I went to the city hall on my way home from work today. I haven’t moved yet, but I have completed the transfer of my resident card. I am no longer a citizen of Okayama City. Looking at the map, the sea may be closer to the Sea of Japan side of Tottori Prefecture. Next time, I would like to visit the Sea of Japan side and buy some Echizen crabs.
Today’s wine is the same as the other day, but after sitting overnight it turned into an orange wine color. I feel that the citrus flavor like grapefruit is becoming more prominent. It’s chilled and so delicious.
Since the amount of wine is small, I ate such a dinner without drinking wine.
The main dish is gyoza pizza toast. I spent a little time and baked it.
It’s ice cream.
If the documents are ready tomorrow, I would like to apply for National Health Insurance.