The grapes used in Noumin Dry 2021 are as follows.
Muller Thurgau(48%)
ドイツのガイゼンハイムぶどう栽培研究所でリースリングとマドレーヌ・ロワイヤルを交配させてつくられた品種。リースリングより早熟で収量も多い。フレッシュでフルーティな白ワインになるが、品質と香りはリースリングの方が上らしいです。A variety created by crossing Riesling and Madeleine Royal at the Geisenheim Viticultural Research Institute in Germany. It ripens earlier than Riesling and has a higher yield. It produces a fresh and fruity white wine, but Riesling is said to be superior in quality and aroma.
A grape from the Württemberg region of Germany, with Trollinger and Riesling as its parents. Although it is a little coarse-grained, it has characteristics similar to Riesling and a unique aroma similar to apple, grapefruit, and mango.
Originating from the Burgundy region of France, the parents are unknown. It is probably the most popular dry white wine variety.
Sauvignon Blanc(5%)
原産はフランスのボルドー地区で、交配親は不明。辛口白ワインとしてシャルドネに次ぐ人気品種です。Originating from the Bordeaux region of France, the parent is unknown. It is the second most popular variety after Chardonnay for making dry white wine.
If you just look at the photo, you might think that they are all the same grapes and that it doesn’t matter what you mix, but the taste and aroma vary greatly depending on the variety, and also depending on the field and climate where it is grown. Of course, it also varies depending on the brewing method, so it can be said that in the world of wine, it is basically impossible to reproduce the same taste…
To be continued……