I went to bed at 7:30 pm yesterday, so even though I woke up at 2:00 am, I slept for 6 and a half hours.
Seven hours of sleep is associated with the lowest risk of death.
However, it seems that it depends on age, 25 years old is 7 hours, 45 years old is 6 and a half hours, 65 years old is 6 hours.
In my case, I’m already in the elderly area, so 6 and a half hours seems to be a lot for me. I’m going to go to bed at 8 o’clock from today.
The effectiveness of Seirogan, which I purchased the other day, was outstanding, because yesterday I had two emergency toilet breaks, but today I didn’t. I’m not feeling well yet, so I plan to continue taking this medicine for a while.

The pain in my finger comes on spasmodically, and it happened twice today. Work is interrupted during an attack, but it has little effect.

I am losing weight little by little, probably because I stopped drinking wine.

This is the dinner menu.

Curry rice is the second time. Today’s pickles are eggplants. Dessert is Coolish ice cream.

After eating, I take medicine and read some books until around 8:00, then go to bed.


Wine Drunkard

Wine Drunkard(葡萄酒 呑兵衛) 1962年生まれ Born in 1962. ワインの知識はほとんどないが,飲む量は年間200ℓ以上。 I have little knowledge of wine, but I drink over 200 liters of wine a year.


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