This post is a continuation of yesterday’s post.

I felt energized after eating lunch, so I decided to head to the Bikan Historical Quarter first.

倉敷IVY SQUAREを目指しましょう。
Let’s aim for Kurashiki IVY SQUARE.
It’s not very crowded, but there are quite a few people.

倉敷IVY SQUARE南ゲートに到達です。
I have reached the south gate of Kurashiki IVY SQUARE.

I made my way to the hotel restaurant. I feel like there were some highlights along the way, but today I would like to develop my sense of geography.

倉敷IVY SQUAREのゲートです。
This is the gate of Kurashiki IVY SQUARE.

倉敷IVY SQUAREのロビーです。
This is the lobby of Kurashiki IVY SQUARE.

There were some turtles in the courtyard.

ホテルの隣は倉敷市民会館になっていて,この日はMr. Childrenのコンサートがあるようで,人が大勢いました。
Next to the hotel is the Kurashiki Civic Hall, and on this day there was a concert by Mr. Children, so there were a lot of people.

The Bikan Historical Quarter also has the following: It’s a great way to kill time when walking is a hassle.

There are many stores that exude a retro feel.

There was a store like this, but it wasn’t open.

The return trip is by express. It takes about 50 minutes to arrive at the station closest to my home.

The train runs endlessly along the river. What I can see is a road running parallel to the river and bushes. I read books to kill time.

My work for today is over.

To be continued.


Wine Drunkard

Wine Drunkard(葡萄酒 呑兵衛) 1962年生まれ Born in 1962. ワインの知識はほとんどないが,飲む量は年間200ℓ以上。 I have little knowledge of wine, but I drink over 200 liters of wine a year.


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