これはメルロー85% カベルネ・フラン15%で造られた赤ワインです。
This is a red wine made from 85% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Franc.

ラ・コロンビーヌ ピュール・ジュは、ピュアジュースという意味だそうです。1週間のマセラシオンの後、25日間の醗酵、その後すぐ瓶詰めされます。亜硫酸無添加。ボトルに表記はありませんが、現行2021年ヴィンテージだそうです。
“La Colombine Pur Jus” means pure juice. After one week of maceration, it is fermented for 25 days and then immediately bottled. No sulfites added. Although it is not stated on the bottle, it is said to be the current 2021 vintage.

The back label proudly states that it is Ecocert certified, vegan certified, and DEMETER certified. The alcohol content of 12.5% ​​is a little disappointing, but let’s just go for it!

This week, I got a new car (although it is a used one). I will use it for commuting right away.

It is fully equipped with ACC that can be used from 0km/h, a rear air spoiler, and studless tires with aluminum wheels. The average fuel efficiency is 25km/l (58.8MPG), so it is perfect for long-distance commuting.

Snow is piled up on Mt. Nasu as seen from the vineyard.

It’s very cold in the mornings, so my hands get cold and my work slows down, but I just keep selecting.

This week, I’ve been pruning and training the branches. I’ve gotten so good at bending the branches that I feel like “there is no branch that I can’t bend.” If I keep pruning the branches this nicely, I’ll look forward to the buds sprouting.

Another week has passed in the blink of an eye, so let’s drink some wine today to reset my minds and put an end to it!

Today’s dish is also gratin. I bought shredded cheese at the ‘Gyoumu Super’ for 1,274 yen per kilo, but it’s hard to get rid of it. Gratin is the perfect dish to use up cheese quickly.

The gratin ingredients include coarsely ground beef and pork, oyster mushrooms, and zucchini.

I’ll also add cherry tomatoes!

It’s a hassle, so I used a commercially available gratin base. I added plenty of milk and macaroni.

There’s a lot of it, so I’ll put it in a pie dish. The small one is for my wife.

Sprinkle lots of cheese on it and bake in the oven!

I drink wine while waiting for the gratin to finish baking.

This wine has a very nice fruity aroma. It has a fresh berry taste. It has a light taste like a Merlot wine, but it has a strong flavor. It says it’s pure juice, but I can feel the alcohol quite a bit. It feels like it’s about 14%, not 12.5%. It’s light, so the alcohol taste stands out. I enjoy wine with bacon & cheese epi, but I think it would go well with a slightly heavier dish.

The gratin is done. I like the cheese to be burnt like this.

Recently, a week has passed in the blink of an eye. I feel like death is approaching rapidly.

I have to make sure that the wine I didn’t drink remains in my cellar…


Wine Drunkard

Wine Drunkard(葡萄酒 呑兵衛) 1962年生まれ Born in 1962. ワインの知識はほとんどないが,飲む量は年間200ℓ以上。 I have little knowledge of wine, but I drink over 200 liters of wine a year.


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